He gazed far across the distant land
As far back as the sky joined hands
His eyes scoured the outstretched sight
Desiring the fulfillment of his fantasy flight.
The affair could well have been clandestine
Had their love sustained the test of time
As much as they loved the other with all their heart
Reality was bent on tearing them apart.
His feelings for her was as deep as the sea
He always wondered why the others failed to see
She had feelings of a similar kind
But success was not the first thing on her mind.
His family approved of their match
But as always somewhere there had to be a catch
Her family had absolutely no clue
She always wondered "wont it be a bolt in the blue?"
They had to defy all the laws of nature
If they wanted to see a combined future
Even though time was not on their side
When the secret was out, they managed to cling to each others hide.
Post Script: He is the fat guy in the pic and she is the thinner one towards the right of the pic.