At last i have my own blog. Funny it took me this long to create one. Actually i had been wanting to create a blog for myself from quite some time. I guess the right time had to come yesterday. Trust me finding out a suitable name for the blog was really a hectic job. I am pretty sure that I have not racked my brains so much even while writing my exams. Every other name that I want to take has already been taken. Finally I did land up with this.
Like true oscars and filmfare style I would like to thank a couple of people who kinda contributed in creating this blogspot. Hehe that sounds pretty tacky I know. I got to do it though in true filmi shtyle. My mum was always into stuff like this. Writing about things being creative and all that stuff. Being creative part is kinda tough though but writing? Well anybody can write bull-shit right??
Hhmmnn so my mum would be my first inspiration. And to be honest there is a friend of mine who is an avid blogger. I really got the josh from that guy to start all this. By the way his blog is Thanks buddy. And yeah there has to be a mention of another friend of mine who kept telling me to shorten my sentences. Hehehe ok that actually meant that my sentences keep going on for paras together. I tried my best buddy ,this was all I could manage.